Home Based Businesses
Home occupation (home based business) permits are required to be obtained from our office for the R.M. of East St. Paul only. Although permits are not required for our other member municipalities, there are conditions/requirements that must be met in order for the home occupation to comply with local zoning by-laws. Please confirm with your local municipal office if your proposed home based business is permitted and if a business license is required.
R.M. of East St. Paul
The Red River Planning District is the approving authority for all home occupation permits issued within the RM of East St. Paul. A home occupation is an occupation, trade, profession or craft which is carried on within a dwelling unit or its accessory building. A home occupation does not change or alter the use, external appearance or characteristics of the dwelling unit and cannot exceed 400 sq. ft. in size.
The home occupation is permitted to be carried on solely by the members of the family residing at the same dwelling unit, with a maximum employment of one other person living off site.
All home occupations within the RM of East St. Paul are required to obtain a development permit, prior to carrying on the business within the dwelling or its accessory. The home occupation must be operated in accordance with all plans and documents approved as part of the application.
A home occupation shall not include adult entertainment; dating and escorting; body modification; on-site painting, body repairs, or other repairs to automobiles, trucks, boats, trailers, or motorized vehicles; vehicle towing operations; dispatch centres for auto-orientated services; sales of firearms or ammunition; any business utilizing radio transmission equipment and any business engaged in the sales and rental of automobiles, light trucks, or motorcycles.
St. Andrews / St. Clements / West St. Paul
A home occupation is an accessory use which:
- is carried on in a dwelling unit or accessory building;
- is carried on solely by the members of the family residing at the same dwelling unit or mobile home without the employment of other persons;
- is incidental to or secondary to the use of the dwelling unit or mobile home;
- has no exterior display, no exterior storage of materials, and no other exterior indication of the home occupation or variation of the residential character of the principal or accessory building except as provided for herein;
- does not become offensive, or obnoxious or create a public nuisance;
- does not cause the generation of undue traffic and congestion in the neighbourhood; and
- articles sold or offered for sale are limited to those produced therein or articles that are produced elsewhere but are pre-packaged and held only on a temporary basis for distribution to customers outside the dwelling unit or mobile home.
St. Andrews / St. Clements
In the R.M. of St. Andrews and the R.M. of St Clements a home based business (home industry) is defined as a small commercial business, or industry conducted primarily in an accessory building to a one-family dwelling by the residents, where such uses are clearly secondary to the main residential character of the dwelling provided that:
- there is no exterior display, no exterior storage of materials, and no other exterior indication of the home occupation or variation of the residential character of the principal or accessory building except as provided for herein;
- it does not become offensive, or obnoxious or create a public nuisance;
- the use does not cause the generation of undue traffic and congestion in the neighbourhood
Village of Dunnottar
A home-based business in the Village of Dunnottar is an occupation, trade, profession or craft, which is operated out of the principle single family dwelling unit or its accessory building or structure.
- Application Form
- Floor Plan
- Letter of Intent detailing type of Home Occupation
- Residential Application Review Fee
Plan Review Fee - A plan review fee must accompany all applications. Residential and Commercial Plan Review fees will be applied against the final cost of the permit upon issuance. Plan Review fees are non-refundable. If the permit has not been issued within 6 (six) months of application date, the application is void. Payment options are debit, cheque or cash.
- Letter of Authorization (Required if someone is filling out the application on behalf of the owner)
Letter of Authorization - An authorization letter gives a third party permission to act on the owners behalf. In the event that the owner is not making the permit application, the owner will need to draft a letter providing the name of the persons authorized to make application for required development permit for proposed work to be completed. Letter must be signed and dated.