Plumbing Permit

Plumbing permits are required for new construction of all buildings, building additions, alterations and renovations. Plumbing Permits for new commercial construction are issued separately from the Building Permit. A plumber licensed to work within the Province of Manitoba must apply for and pick up the permit. A copy of their certification is required at time of application.


  1. Application Form
  2. Layout Plan of Proposed Work to be completed (if not submitted with building permit)
  3. Licensed Plumber to provide a Copy of Certification / Red Seal
  4. Estimated Construction Value
  5. Commercial Plumbing Application Review Fee tooltip

    Plan Review Fee - A plan review fee must accompany all applications. Residential and Commercial Plan Review fees will be applied against the final cost of the permit upon issuance. Plan Review fees are non-refundable. If the permit has not been issued within 6 (six) months of application date, the application is void. Payment options are debit, cheque or cash.

  6. Letter of Authorization (Required if someone is filling out the application on behalf of the owner) tooltipLetter of Authorization - An authorization letter gives a third party permission to act on the owners behalf. In the event that the owner is not making the permit application, the owner will need to draft a letter providing the name of the persons authorized to make application for required development permit for proposed work to be completed. Letter must be signed and dated.